Why join the ICC World Chambers Federation?
When you join the ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF), you become part of the forum that connects chambers across borders, creating a better environment for business and MSMEs, while driving prosperity and opportunity for all.
What are the benefits of joining the World Chambers Federation?
Joining WCF enables chambers to:
- Acquire world class status.
- Expand their network with peers in over 100 countries and with key international organisations.
- Stay updated on the global challenges and opportunities that chambers are facing worldwide.
- Improve, develop and digitise trade documentation activities.
- Be part of the next generation of tailor-made solutions for chambers and small businesses.
Institutional leadership
As a member, Heads of chambers are eligible to take up a leadership position within the World Chambers Federation:
- Propose a candidate and vote at the WCF General Council election
- Propose a candidate to chair the WCF Certificates of Origin Council and the World ATA Council
- Become eligible as a member of the ICC Executive Board
- Pioneer as a founding member of the ICC National committee of your country
- Become eligible to lead a WCF Task Force
Download our WCF membership brochure to see all benefits.