We would like to invite you to start recycling plastic waste at your company.
First of all, let us introduce our company active in Plastic recycling in Georgia.
Briefly speaking of our organization – Polyvim LLC , Our primary mission in Georgia is to move the plastic waste from a linear system to a circular one, allowing it to keep cycling in our economy.
In this path, our target is to collect and reuse PET (PLASTIC BOTTLE), PP, and PE plastic family groups and recycle them into value-added products for both export and local markets.
Considering recent regulation and governmental plans in the waste management sector in Georgia, as well as benefits, which brands and companies can gain by participation in this green act, Leading companies like Lexus, Toyota, Mercure, Sheraton, and ibis, etc. collaborate with us to collect their plastic waste, such as plastic bottles.
We would like to have an opportunity to collaborate with you to collect and recycle plastic waste and raise awareness in Georgia. We would appreciate it if you interested, contact us on the following email:
Here is a brief video on General idea of collaboration with us. Also the attached document is a brief information about the waste collection campaign we planned as ” the green revolution” And how it can be beneficial for your company as well as society.